Google Play Store Reviews Database

Ratings and reviews dataset from play

Explore the Google Play Store Reviews Database, a comprehensive collection of user reviews for various apps available on the Google Play Store.

This dataset includes millions of reviews across a wide range of categories such as games, productivity, social media, finance, health, and more. Each review entry provides essential details, including app names, user ratings, review texts, review dates, and user feedback, offering valuable insights for developers, data analysts, and market researchers.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Review Coverage: Contains millions of user reviews from the Google Play Store, covering various app categories like games, productivity, social media, finance, and health.
  • Detailed Review Information: Each review includes key details such as app name, user rating, review text, review date, and user feedback, allowing for in-depth analysis of user sentiment and app performance.
  • Ideal for Market Analysis: Perfect for developers, data scientists, and market researchers interested in analyzing user feedback, studying trends in app usage, or optimizing app development strategies based on user reviews.
  • Rich Source of User Insights: Provides a comprehensive overview of user experiences and preferences, helping professionals stay updated on the latest trends, popular apps, and user satisfaction levels.

Whether you're analyzing user feedback, researching market trends, or developing new app strategies, the Google Play Store Reviews Database is an invaluable resource that provides detailed insights and extensive coverage of app reviews on the Google Play Store.

Last crawled:

Apr 2022

Data points:

Url, Review id, User name, User image, Content, Score, Likes count, Review created version, Reviewed at, Reply content, Replied at, Uniq id, Scraped at

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Url Review id User name User image Content Score Likes count Review created version Reviewed at Reply content Replied at Uniq id Scraped at gp:AOqpTOFBRbU0FzrENBCU37xwrFgyubz505xSK895rdxHi3-qpRGPaA4AZLIDn8OMgUX-_8OzWlKqQx6sIPqfHpw Khushi Pandey It's always show you network error please help me Even I am connected to my data and wifi 2 0 1.1 2022-03-26 00:15:17 54c0ed88-4203-5005-8c7a-b214a1276c0c 13/04/2022 01:23:01 gp:AOqpTOE5YL9oJrRXuGp3rZIKZB-jAzy6jJuu-NkaxyjgHKq1vBFdXBJys1-Fu1SMlk5Ke9O06B1i-XAmBCWDarY Katharina Bruderer If you want to discover and to experience Switzerland you NEED this App. The idea and realisation of the different dialects is great fun and shows how a small country as Switzerland surprises us with many different traditions. Breathtaking views, mindblowing landscapes, multi-cultual, fascinating history, welcoming people, great food and wines and and and. There is much more to discover as you can imagine. 4 2 1.1 2020-07-31 21:13:21 cb574288-d800-5559-b476-366191e9ed02 13/04/2022 01:23:01 gp:AOqpTOG57CVhLqz5sJQw5T2L1Od1NR7cqFCWI98sQjTLL2INFD20COXdLJBxUac0fjVrbZpYrYqrkXKcrARNLQ Melinda Raphael Freezes ALL THE TIME EVERY TIME U OPEN THE APP! IT'S INFURIATING! And then it further freezes the whole phone, then u gotta close ALL APPS and go into the app coz just going an all round optimise does not work and u gotta force stop it manually then reopen the app then it'll freeze again but won't freeze for as long. I've had to force stop and open and force stop and open EVERY TIME I OPEN THE CAMERA. it's a pain in the ARSE especially if u need to take a photo quickly 1 26 1.3 2021-06-07 12:55:58 4e3eb607-d8a5-5adc-b027-79cca726b531 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOFcYUXY-k1gsHRl4f5vIpqaoE-MmxkuqesYeUyfXm4Ccr4LI5JYxpmfZoZ0IZ5X2SrxIvatgF9gGwwshA Alessandro Gioffrè d'Ambra PLEASE TURN İT BACK TO THE PREVİOUS VERSİON, WHİCH WAS GREAT; THİS İS İNCREDİBLE SLOW! 1 2 1.4 2022-01-28 00:27:13 97601786-d5af-506d-bd7b-98b96261a338 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOE0zlPPqbTyv_poupIrTogbzF7QQngu7xI5mFmXGFFF4gva7iqx0s4kgMLGyCym_FdgbeQBLhA-8mvhfg sariyaab I hatw it because who whats to us the flash its just loght and the qulity is horrable i hate it. Sorey dor tje bad englisg 1 17 1.3 2020-10-23 01:11:41 c355f585-32e4-50a5-9c08-39d5de7dea4f 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOEIX6_rrWFHlrz8Vp2rVrJg5mfSu_S-cafG1a60vsrPlkpyF4iAIv-VaLLToYk7YTvFsrSnY6HtmVlbDw Malcolm Ouma Kept closing after every shot 1 2 2021-04-02 21:13:59 33e948db-213e-5e8d-a500-1f25ec265811 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOGnmiEpGmQUPCbx095G22-Mhb-DoBw7b3XXmeOnXJJBr0XQm1K2FwW7H1KLr589xMbkzCkDod2v3MLUMg Joanne Majiet Still not working 1 1 1.3 2021-03-20 00:05:01 cca66eb7-4e5c-513a-8810-f50e507425dc 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOFw8N2DCboc7arVHTmz4tSv9nMdWuPEmjsdBoFbH5CMikq88C22riJc3cRgiRCt7VzPfyqQIYnOjYBiAQ Agblevor Samson Backview is not operative 1 1 1.3 2021-04-30 09:40:57 d9f4d5c7-d3d0-5acd-a2ae-9baddc89ddae 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOGUqzZqMTkh40Vwfi7x21x9M3VsWMtyiyzJavgl6csdFe1DXLTrIrZatJvT1DrQ7dGNi664MaKrvyazKw Tanushree Das Worst app ever 1 2 1.3 2021-04-09 11:57:10 48e92c34-8517-5881-bb05-ad465ead003e 13/04/2022 01:23:03 gp:AOqpTOH6zSlowSrMjs42dkcA5E-Zdui8d4xlYKDEj4Kq5iI78nkXBRhxYpX_YRNgCEo2hqarHZwHHG7U0kyelQ Serame Mokoena Amazing 😗 1 1 1.3 2021-06-18 03:36:25 70496ee0-d710-53ce-9157-84cf0ce394ee 13/04/2022 01:23:03