Crawl feeds data store

One stop to find right dataset for your needs and can download instantly. These datasets are clean, structured and ready to use datasets.


Covered industries

Products information like price, specs, brand. Covered sites like amazon, walmart, flipkart and many more.

Convered reviews information like author, review text, up votes, down votes and images.

Real estate data included property information, prices, address, property images. Covered sites like redfin, trulia, zoopla .. etc.

News datasets consist of news data from the around the world. Data extracted sources like bbc, aljazeera and many more.

How to access data from the crawl feeds data store.

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Data Store

Visit our dataset page and use filters to get the ideal datasets. Verify the details mentioned each dataset page like records count, crawl date, price and format and many more details. You can view and download the sample data for quality analysis.

Download datasets

Make a payment after adding to the cart. You can download datasets from crawl feeds dashboard within 2hr. If any issues please reach out to crawl feeds team (

Data store stats.


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