Recipes dataset from allrecipes
Unleash the culinary potential with our comprehensive Recipes dataset from Allrecipes. This dataset provides detailed information on a vast collection of recipes sourced from Allrecipes, one of the world's most popular recipe websites. Ideal for chefs, food enthusiasts, developers, and data scientists, this dataset offers an extensive range of culinary possibilities.
The dataset includes key details such as recipe titles, ingredients, preparation instructions, cooking times, user ratings, and dietary categories. With recipes spanning various cuisines, dietary preferences, and meal types, this dataset is a valuable resource for creating recipe apps, conducting nutritional analysis, or exploring new culinary trends.
Looking for more data to fuel your food-related projects? Check out our Food & Beverage Data for diverse datasets designed to inspire and empower innovation in the food and beverage industry.
Enhance your food-related projects with structured, high-quality data from Allrecipes. Whether developing a recipe recommendation engine, building a food blog, or researching cooking trends, this dataset is your go-to resource for delicious inspiration and data-driven culinary insights.
Last crawled:
Apr 2021
Data points:
url, total_time, prep_time, crawled_at, ingredients, breadcrumbs, title, yield, summary, source, cooking_time, servings, images, _id, instructions
Data points count:
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Availability or Type:
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Remaining datasets from allrecipes:
Allrecipes recipe reviews dataset