Time Magazine Latest News dataset

News dataset from time

Unlock real-time insights from Time Magazine's Latest News Dataset through our platform in just a few simple steps. Whether you're a researcher, marketer, or business analyst, this dataset offers comprehensive coverage of global news from one of the world’s most trusted sources. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Sign Up

Begin by signing up for an account on our platform. This gives you access to all of our data services, including the Time Magazine Latest News Dataset.

2. Add to Cart

Browse our offerings and select the Time Magazine Latest News Dataset plan that fits your needs. Once you’ve made your choice, add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout page.

3. Make the Payment

Complete your purchase by paying through our secure payment options. We accept multiple payment methods to ensure a smooth and easy transaction process.

4. Invoice & Access

Once your payment is processed, you will receive an invoice for your purchase. Our team will then provide you with immediate access to the dataset, along with the relevant download instructions and login details.

5. Start Using the Dataset

After gaining access, you’ll be able to download the Time Magazine Latest News Dataset, which includes news articles extracted as of March 2021. While this dataset is not a live feed, it offers historical articles and insights that can be used for trend analysis, research, and content aggregation.

Key Features of the Dataset

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes articles from a variety of categories, including politics, business, technology, health, and entertainment.
  • Structured Data: The dataset is well-organized, making it easy to filter, analyze, and integrate into your projects.
  • Reliable Source: Sourced directly from Time Magazine, a globally recognized and trusted news outlet.

Why Choose Our Platform?

  • Ease of Use: Once you gain access to the dataset, it’s easy to integrate into your systems or conduct analysis with minimal effort.
  • Data You Can Trust: With Time Magazine being one of the most credible sources for global news, you’re assured of high-quality, reliable content.
  • Flexible Use Cases: Ideal for news aggregation, sentiment analysis, academic research, and more.


Last crawled:

Mar 2021

Data points:

title, header_image, author, published_at, category, url, crawled_at, source, _id, content, raw_content

Data points count:


Sample dataset:

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Availability or Type:


Delivery time:



[ { 'title': "'Affluenza' Teen's Mexican Lawyer Hints at Human Rights Issues", 'header_image': 'https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ap_104702306891.jpg', 'url': 'https://time.com/4167228/affluenza-teens-lawyer-mexico/', 'content': 'Fugitive American teen Ethan “affluenza” Couch’s newly appointed Mexican lawyer said he took the case to make sure authorities aren’t gaming the system by trying to force him back to Texas without proper legal representation., “Maybe the Mexican authorities are going along with a plan to get him back quickly, but they’re disguising an extradition as a deportation, and that’s not cool,” the attorney, Fernando Benitez, told NBC News Monday. “We’re not gonna go along with that. Because, of course, human rights are being infringed upon.”, Benitez, speaking in his Tijuana law office, said he has yet to meet or…, Read the rest of the story from our partners at NBC News ', 'raw_content': '<p><span class="dropcap">F</span>ugitive American teen Ethan “affluenza” Couch’s newly appointed Mexican lawyer said he took the case to make sure authorities aren’t gaming the system by trying to force him back to Texas without proper legal representation.</p>, <p>“Maybe the Mexican authorities are going along with a plan to get him back quickly, but they’re disguising an extradition as a deportation, and that’s not cool,” the attorney, Fernando Benitez, told NBC News Monday. “We’re not gonna go along with that. Because, of course, human rights are being infringed upon.”</p>, <p>Benitez, speaking in his Tijuana law office, said he has yet to meet or…</p>, <p><em><a href="http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/affluenza-teen-s-mexican-lawyer-hints-human-rights-issues-n490071?cid=par-time_20160105" target="_blank">Read the rest of the story from our partners at NBC News </a></em></p>', 'author': 'NBC News', '_id': 'f2d6f126-89e8-5006-893f-262d1f8312a6', 'source': 'https://time.com/', 'published_at': 'January 4, 2016 10:36 PM EST', 'category': 'U.S.', 'crawled_at': '03/29/2021, 16:17:37' } ]