Medium articles dataset

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[ {"url": "", "crawled_at": "05/07/2021, 22:04:41", "_id": "6cdc32f2-8540-5565-84ec-b67d8cf76595", "title": "Queer People of Tech: Frank Jania ", "author": "Queer People of Tech", "published_at": "2015-05-14T19:49:53.800Z", "author_url": "", "reading_time": 3, "total_claps": "6", "raw_description": "<p id=\"7fe8\" class=\"gl gm gn ba go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv by\"><strong class=\"cd\">Frank Jania</strong></p>, <p id=\"4fed\" class=\"gl gm gn ba go gp gw gx gy gz ha gv by\">Founding Engineer | betaworks | Out in Tech, Google, Invite Media</p>, <p id=\"f4ce\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">What do you do, professionally?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"7d5d\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">I\u2019m a software engineer primarily. I\u2019ve also been a manager, a technology evangelist, and a team lead.</p>, <p id=\"5067\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">Has your sexuality initially shaped your career decision?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"dae6\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">Initially, it didn\u2019t at all. I was set on working in software / engineering professionally.</p>, <p id=\"9779\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">Has that changed over time?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"41d5\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">As I got to know more people whose career was affected by how open they felt they could be in the workplace, having one that was welcoming became an important factor I\u2019d consider in any new job.</p>, <p id=\"8a54\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">When and how <span id=\"rmm\">d</span>id you open up to your company about your sexuality?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"8577\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">Shortly into my first assignment (working on the 2000 Olympic Games for IBM) I found a welcoming environment in my immediate colleagues, so I mentioned, off hand, that I was going to the gay pride parade when they asked me what I was up to that weekend.</p>, <p id=\"d6eb\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">What\u2019s your experience of being a LGBTQ+ person in tech been like?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"da56\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">I can\u2019t say I\u2019ve encountered any discrimination because of my sexuality (overt, or otherwise). Every place that I\u2019ve worked has either had explicit anti-discrimination policy, or wasn\u2019t a place I where I\u2019d think one was needed because of how open the environment was.</p>, <p id=\"ecab\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">In what way has your sexuality influenced what companies to apply to?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"a268\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">I\u2019ve found that, for the most part, tech companies aren\u2019t places where sexuality is a stumbling block, so I don\u2019t worry too much about it, but it *is* something that I check into before I proceed with an offer.</p>, <p id=\"a19a\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">What would make your work environment or the tech industry as a whole more LGBTQ+ friendly?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"c10d\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">My experience has been as a white, gay, cis male so my personal perspective is from there. I do think that, in some sectors for sure, the tech community needs to grow up. There are many companies, particularly new startups, where the vibe in the office is much closer to a college dorm than an office. This is the kind of environment where it would be hard to have any form of diversity. If you can make the workplace more generally inclusive of anyone, LGBT people of all kind will be better off too.</p>, <p id=\"571a\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\"><strong class=\"hd cz\"><em class=\"hy\">What advice would you give to queer employees entering the tech industry?</em></strong></p>, <p id=\"cc6e\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">I think that the best advice I can give would be to go with your instinct, and be deliberate.</p>, <p id=\"772a\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">For some people, this means letting their career aspirations lead and working someplace where you\u2019re putting your personal life to the side, and the company is unconcerned about what your gifts outside of your profession can bring to bare.</p>, <p id=\"817a\" class=\"hb hc gn hd b he hz hg hh hi ia hk hl hm ib ho hp hq ic hs ht hu id hw hx gv dm fp\">For others the call to bring their whole selves to work every day may be the guiding factor and you might turn down a job that is attractive \u201con paper\u201d because playing the pronoun game, or not feeling like you can talk about your personal life feels like a dreadful way to spend most of your days.</p>", "source": "", "description": "Frank Jania, Founding Engineer | betaworks | Out in Tech, Google, Invite Media, What do you do, professionally?, I\u2019m a software engineer primarily. I\u2019ve also been a manager, a technology evangelist, and a team lead., Has your sexuality initially shaped your career decision?, Initially, it didn\u2019t at all. I was set on working in software / engineering professionally., Has that changed over time?, As I got to know more people whose career was affected by how open they felt they could be in the workplace, having one that was welcoming became an important factor I\u2019d consider in any new job., When and how did you open up to your company about your sexuality?, Shortly into my first assignment (working on the 2000 Olympic Games for IBM) I found a welcoming environment in my immediate colleagues, so I mentioned, off hand, that I was going to the gay pride parade when they asked me what I was up to that weekend., What\u2019s your experience of being a LGBTQ+ person in tech been like?, I can\u2019t say I\u2019ve encountered any discrimination because of my sexuality (overt, or otherwise). Every place that I\u2019ve worked has either had explicit anti-discrimination policy, or wasn\u2019t a place I where I\u2019d think one was needed because of how open the environment was., In what way has your sexuality influenced what companies to apply to?, I\u2019ve found that, for the most part, tech companies aren\u2019t places where sexuality is a stumbling block, so I don\u2019t worry too much about it, but it *is* something that I check into before I proceed with an offer., What would make your work environment or the tech industry as a whole more LGBTQ+ friendly?, My experience has been as a white, gay, cis male so my personal perspective is from there. I do think that, in some sectors for sure, the tech community needs to grow up. There are many companies, particularly new startups, where the vibe in the office is much closer to a college dorm than an office. This is the kind of environment where it would be hard to have any form of diversity. If you can make the workplace more generally inclusive of anyone, LGBT people of all kind will be better off too., What advice would you give to queer employees entering the tech industry?, I think that the best advice I can give would be to go with your instinct, and be deliberate., For some people, this means letting their career aspirations lead and working someplace where you\u2019re putting your personal life to the side, and the company is unconcerned about what your gifts outside of your profession can bring to bare., For others the call to bring their whole selves to work every day may be the guiding factor and you might turn down a job that is attractive \u201con paper\u201d because playing the pronoun game, or not feeling like you can talk about your personal life feels like a dreadful way to spend most of your days.", "tags": "Engineers, LGBT, Google", "images": [], "modified_at": "2017-09-13T17:09:39.862Z"}, {"url": "", "crawled_at": "05/07/2021, 22:04:41", "_id": "636a92ee-4152-59e8-a84f-0c390e647f43", "title": "On Rockets and Customer Development ", "author": "Istvan Jonyer", "published_at": "2015-05-14T20:41:02.089Z", "author_url": "", "reading_time": 2, "total_claps": "", "raw_description": "<p id=\"2c79\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv dm gj\">I was recently discussing customer development with an aspiring entrepreneur when he lamented that he would not be able to round up more than 6\u20138 people from his circles to comment on his idea. But anyhow, his idea is pretty unique, so he doesn\u2019t see the need to spend much time on that anyway.</p>, <p id=\"ca52\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">We would never hear a similar sentiment from a<span id=\"rmm\"> </span>rocket scientist along the lines of \u201cOh, I don\u2019t think I have the time and energy to learn about the laws of physics. I\u2019m pretty sure I can build a rocket from scratch on the first try without having to do experiments. I\u2019ll just build it, I\u2019m sure I can go to the moon with it.\u201d</p>, <p id=\"a0b3\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">While the physics version sounds asinine, the startup equivalent plays out every day, way too many times. Entrepreneurs build their rocket-equivalent without learning about the laws of the space they play in, sit at the helm, launch their rocket and are surprised to see it explode on the launchpad.</p>, <p id=\"2bb4\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">The main issue is that the laws of entrepreneurship are hidden and not at all obvious that they even exist. It\u2019s not clear what and when should be tested vs built. Clearly you need to build something to be able to test it, but it\u2019s not clear that initially a mock-screen would do, or how far you should go with building before stopping to test.</p>, <p id=\"7338\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">I\u2019m hoping that the physics analogy could prove to be helpful, since we all had to take physics, and it may also be intuitive that every component of a rocket needs to be tested against the relevant laws of physics, and iterated on.</p>, <p id=\"1928\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">In other words, if entrepreneurs could recognize that there are hidden rules to discover before building for real, they would dramatically increase their chances of success. What is it that I don\u2019t know? I\u2019m reminded of Andy Grove\u2019s line: Only the paranoid survive.</p>, <p id=\"89f5\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hw hg hh hi hx hj hk hl hy hm hn ho hz hp hq hr ia hs ht hv dm gj\">Happy building!</p>", "source": "", "description": "I was recently discussing customer development with an aspiring entrepreneur when he lamented that he would not be able to round up more than 6\u20138 people from his circles to comment on his idea. But anyhow, his idea is pretty unique, so he doesn\u2019t see the need to spend much time on that anyway., We would never hear a similar sentiment from a rocket scientist along the lines of \u201cOh, I don\u2019t think I have the time and energy to learn about the laws of physics. I\u2019m pretty sure I can build a rocket from scratch on the first try without having to do experiments. I\u2019ll just build it, I\u2019m sure I can go to the moon with it.\u201d, While the physics version sounds asinine, the startup equivalent plays out every day, way too many times. Entrepreneurs build their rocket-equivalent without learning about the laws of the space they play in, sit at the helm, launch their rocket and are surprised to see it explode on the launchpad., The main issue is that the laws of entrepreneurship are hidden and not at all obvious that they even exist. It\u2019s not clear what and when should be tested vs built. Clearly you need to build something to be able to test it, but it\u2019s not clear that initially a mock-screen would do, or how far you should go with building before stopping to test., I\u2019m hoping that the physics analogy could prove to be helpful, since we all had to take physics, and it may also be intuitive that every component of a rocket needs to be tested against the relevant laws of physics, and iterated on., In other words, if entrepreneurs could recognize that there are hidden rules to discover before building for real, they would dramatically increase their chances of success. What is it that I don\u2019t know? I\u2019m reminded of Andy Grove\u2019s line: Only the paranoid survive., Happy building!", "tags": "Startup, Customer Engagement", "images": [], "modified_at": "2018-04-05T05:10:53.578Z"}, {"url": "", "crawled_at": "05/07/2021, 22:04:41", "_id": "7528895f-1f7f-588a-979e-4ef76878b299", "title": "How to Be Beach Body Ready without Buying Anything ", "author": "Jordan Smith", "published_at": "2015-05-14T10:49:32.679Z", "author_url": "", "reading_time": 3, "total_claps": "", "raw_description": "<p id=\"0f5f\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx dm fn\">How to Be Beach Body Ready without Buying Anything</p>, <p id=\"f079\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">The collective anger of body conscious Britons was directed at supplement company \u201cProtein World\u201d after they launched an offensive ad campaign earlier this year. The ads depicted beautiful, thin people in swim wear with the provocative question \u201care you beach body ready?\u201d</p>, <p id=\"b82a\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">Over 44,000 people signed a petition in April to have all the adverts removed from London underground stations while others participated in a protest in Hyde Park.</p>, <p id=\"515c\" class=\"gd ge ht gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">The online petition said: \u201cProtein World is directly targeting individuals, aiming to make them feel physically inferior to the unrealistic body image of the bronzed model, in order to sell their product.</p>, <p id=\"a9d6\" class=\"gd ge ht gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">\u201cPerhaps not everyone\u2019s priority is having a \u2018beach body\u2019 (by the way, what is that?), and making somebody feel guilty for not prioritising it by questioning their personal choices is a step too far.</p>, <p id=\"8441\" class=\"gd ge ht gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">\u201cA body\u2019s function is far more intricate and important than looking \u2018beach ready\u2019, so in fact it is Protein World who have confused their priorities, if anyone\u201d.</p>, <p id=\"4e88\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">But Protein World did not back down in the face of this reaction. They released the following statement:</p>, <p id=\"e17d\" class=\"gd ge ht gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">\u201cUltimately we want to encourage a healthier, fitter nation. We want to encourage everybody to be the very best version of themselves. It\u2019s been quite odd how many people we\u2019ve found who are far quicker to fit shame then fat shame. And, you know, if that makes us bad, then so be it.\u201d</p>, <p id=\"b012\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">But <span id=\"rmm\">t</span>here are actually valid perspectives to each side of the argument. On the one hand, semi naked images of \u201cideal\u201d bodies plastered across public spaces is not only vulgar, it is dehumanising, reducing bodies to the level of commodity. On the other hand, people should take pride in their health and fitness, especially when you consider that the UK is currently facing an obesity crisis. Experts predict that two thirds of British women and three quarters of all British men will be overweight by 2030.</p>, <p id=\"caa8\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">I\u2019m all for body positivity and loving the skin you\u2019re in, but people also need to be realistic. There is nothing positive about diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One of the worst things about fat shaming is that it prevents people from trying to improve themselves. If people feel too self conscious then they won\u2019t go jogging or hit the gym. The culture associated with health and fitness needs to be as inclusive as possible in order to help as many people as possible to be healthier.</p>, <p id=\"7c69\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">There are also socioeconomic factors with exclude people. It is often the most disadvantaged members of society who suffer from obesity. This is due to the fact that preparing healthy food requires time, money and knowledge, which unfortunately not everyone has. Gym memberships can be astoundingly expensive too but there are also cheap ways to get in shape.</p>, <p id=\"6154\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">Jogging is probably the cheapest and easiest form of exercise. All you really need is a pair of decent shoes and you\u2019re set to go. But running on tarmac can really damage your joints, particularly if you are new to the sport and have bad form. Swimming is a fantastic alternative because it benefits the respiratory system and increases the metabolism, working the whole body without any impact stress. Many councils offer free swimming to the unemployed and they should also offer free <a href=\"\" class=\"dr hu\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\">swimming lessons</a> to the economically disadvantaged.</p>, <p id=\"47c4\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hl gi gj gk hm gl gm gn hn go gp gq ho gr gs gt hp gu gv gx dm fn\">There is no one perfect \u201cbeach body\u201d as implied by the Protein World ads, but there are many healthy bodies, none of which can be achieved without exercise. A real body positive movement needs to campaign for fair and equal access to things like swimming lessons in order prevent obesity and promote physical health and well-being.</p>", "source": "", "description": "How to Be Beach Body Ready without Buying Anything, The collective anger of body conscious Britons was directed at supplement company \u201cProtein World\u201d after they launched an offensive ad campaign earlier this year. The ads depicted beautiful, thin people in swim wear with the provocative question \u201care you beach body ready?\u201d, Over 44,000 people signed a petition in April to have all the adverts removed from London underground stations while others participated in a protest in Hyde Park., The online petition said: \u201cProtein World is directly targeting individuals, aiming to make them feel physically inferior to the unrealistic body image of the bronzed model, in order to sell their product., \u201cPerhaps not everyone\u2019s priority is having a \u2018beach body\u2019 (by the way, what is that?), and making somebody feel guilty for not prioritising it by questioning their personal choices is a step too far., \u201cA body\u2019s function is far more intricate and important than looking \u2018beach ready\u2019, so in fact it is Protein World who have confused their priorities, if anyone\u201d., But Protein World did not back down in the face of this reaction. They released the following statement:, \u201cUltimately we want to encourage a healthier, fitter nation. We want to encourage everybody to be the very best version of themselves. It\u2019s been quite odd how many people we\u2019ve found who are far quicker to fit shame then fat shame. And, you know, if that makes us bad, then so be it.\u201d, But there are actually valid perspectives to each side of the argument. On the one hand, semi naked images of \u201cideal\u201d bodies plastered across public spaces is not only vulgar, it is dehumanising, reducing bodies to the level of commodity. On the other hand, people should take pride in their health and fitness, especially when you consider that the UK is currently facing an obesity crisis. Experts predict that two thirds of British women and three quarters of all British men will be overweight by 2030., I\u2019m all for body positivity and loving the skin you\u2019re in, but people also need to be realistic. There is nothing positive about diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One of the worst things about fat shaming is that it prevents people from trying to improve themselves. If people feel too self conscious then they won\u2019t go jogging or hit the gym. The culture associated with health and fitness needs to be as inclusive as possible in order to help as many people as possible to be healthier., There are also socioeconomic factors with exclude people. It is often the most disadvantaged members of society who suffer from obesity. This is due to the fact that preparing healthy food requires time, money and knowledge, which unfortunately not everyone has. Gym memberships can be astoundingly expensive too but there are also cheap ways to get in shape., Jogging is probably the cheapest and easiest form of exercise. All you really need is a pair of decent shoes and you\u2019re set to go. But running on tarmac can really damage your joints, particularly if you are new to the sport and have bad form. Swimming is a fantastic alternative because it benefits the respiratory system and increases the metabolism, working the whole body without any impact stress. Many councils offer free swimming to the unemployed and they should also offer free swimming lessons to the economically disadvantaged., There is no one perfect \u201cbeach body\u201d as implied by the Protein World ads, but there are many healthy bodies, none of which can be achieved without exercise. A real body positive movement needs to campaign for fair and equal access to things like swimming lessons in order prevent obesity and promote physical health and well-being.", "tags": "Feminism, Body Positive, Fitness", "images": [], "modified_at": "2017-12-15T15:08:59.502Z"}, {"url": "", "crawled_at": "05/07/2021, 22:04:41", "_id": "baa5f598-f38c-562f-894a-ac5074a609ca", "title": "Infusing Grit into Your Business ", "author": "Kim Bryden", "published_at": "2015-05-14T12:52:10.908Z", "author_url": "", "reading_time": 5, "total_claps": "", "raw_description": "<p id=\"6e1f\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv dm gj\">Why do we measure success of startups and small businesses through flashy web sites and pitch decks to venture capital secured? We\u2019ve all seen that headline, \u201cNew Company Raises $15 Million in Funding!\u201d But at Cure[ate], we\u2019re interested, and we think everyone should be interested, in the strategy and tactics that happen to grow and scale a business once the money is raised. That\u2019s what takes <a href=\"\" class=\"ds hw\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\">real grit</a> and stamina. Where is the conversation and dialogue around those wins?</p>, <p id=\"4471\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">There is no one silve<span id=\"rmm\">r</span> bullet solution to growing all businesses but we at Cure[ate] hope to shine light on best practices to help guide business owners in making thoughtful, targeted, strategic decisions to impact your business, particularly in the food &amp; beverage industry. We\u2019ve broken down the growth stages that we work with into three blog posts. Here is part 1 of our growth series.</p>, <p id=\"161e\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">When building a business, one aspect that\u2019s as important as the product or service itself is the target audience. Who\u2019s going to use what you\u2019re selling? Why does it appeal to that group better than another? How are you going to target them specifically?</p>, <p id=\"9b3d\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">If you\u2019re worried or unable to answer some of these questions, then Cure[ate] has the perfect answer for you. Outlined below are our tactics for <strong class=\"he cz\">Growth Stage 1: Business Development</strong> on our growth chart.</p>, <p id=\"2563\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\"><a href=\"\" class=\"ds hw\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\"><strong class=\"he cz\">The Taste Kitchen</strong></a> The first step in building a community around your brand is to establish your target market. Bearing this in mind, we pioneered the Taste Kitchen in January of this year. Through our own take on marketing conglomerates\u2019 test kitchens, we present an opportunity for small business owners to share their product in a personalized setting with a hand-selected group of individuals. The Taste Kitchen allows for you to test a new product as well as develop your own skills in telling your story and selling your product in person. Following each Taste Kitchen, we provide in-depth analysis and feedback, along with a marketing plan for the next quarter. Want to get in on this? <a href=\"\" class=\"ds hw\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\">Get in touch with us</a>, and we\u2019ll get the ball rolling to set up the coolest tasting event you\u2019ve ever done.</p>, <p id=\"44e9\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\"><strong class=\"he cz\">Culture and Trend Research</strong> Culture (in its different shapes and forms) is everywhere around us. Some cultures are as old as humans themselves, while new cultures are born practically every day. It influences our thoughts, beliefs and actions in all aspects of life \u2014 and food is no different. When you begin to focus on your target audience, their culture becomes a vital aspect that will influence how you market your product to them. Through individualized culture research, we help you determine how your product appeals to your target market, and what you can do to improve it to better serve your community. Similarly, trends are constantly shifting and changing. If enough celebrities get photographed wearing a bright green sweater, you can bet that the brand they\u2019re wearing and the color green are going to be the latest fashion craze. Although the food and beverage market works a bit differently, trends still affect when people are more likely to buy one product over another. We are here to help you determine how your product will be affected by both global and local trends in order to help foster a community at the best time, in the best place. Through our focused and in-depth research we find a way for you to inspire the people you want to reach out to through your service or product.</p>, <p id=\"5c67\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">Once you have the culture and trends that surround your target market figured out, you need to start making connections with pre-existing networks and distribution channels that can aid in your growth.</p>, <p id=\"f137\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\"><strong class=\"he cz\">Pre-Established Network Connections</strong> Here at Cure[ate] we value connecting others, and since our services can be tailored to each individual business owner, we are also in the unique position to connect different products and service providers. When the big guy wants to build community at the local level, we orchestrate creating a partnership with a local small business so both sides can benefit. Such a connection works for both parties; the larger business is able to connect with the local community through a small business, while the small business is able to expand its network and/or production through the larger. Building community should not be limited to just connecting with customers, it should include forming a network with other businesses in a way that can benefit both of you.</p>, <p id=\"b54b\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\"><strong class=\"he cz\">Distribution Channels and Local Procurement</strong> What happens when small business growth is rooted in citywide initiatives and private sector goals? How do we change the dialogue around sustainability or even job creation through food &amp; beverage small business? Creating partnerships and distribution opportunities in both public and private sector for local food &amp; beverage small business owners can shift that conversation.</p>, <p id=\"652e\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">Cure[ate] works on the new Baltimore Food Hub initiative with American Communities Trust and the Baltimore Integration Partnership. We identify up-and-coming food &amp; beverage small businesses made in the Baltimore area, and help source key buyers from anchor institutions, hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets. Anchor institutions like Johns Hopkins, MICA, and Loyola have made commitments to purchasing local by working with their larger catering contracts with Sodexo, Bon Apetit, and CulinArt (to name a few). What would it look like if major food systems (like universities and hospitals) contributed a small percentage of their purchasing dollar back into their local economies? How can food &amp; beverage be that vehicle of change and job growth? Cure[ate] works with major players to identify and execute these partnerships by researching product procurement needs, executing face-to-face connections through initiatives like our upcoming Vendor Fair at Lexington Market, and working with small businesses on their growth plans.</p>, <p id=\"bcf2\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\">And with that, you\u2019ve completed the first stage in growing your business in a smart and meaningful way \u2014 the Cure[ate] way. Get in touch with us for more information on these and the next steps.</p>, <p id=\"6813\" class=\"hc hd fn he b hf hx hg hh hi hy hj hk hl hz hm hn ho ia hp hq hr ib hs ht hv dm gj\"><em class=\"iw\">Originally published at </em><a href=\"\" class=\"ds hw\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\"><em class=\"iw\"></em></a><em class=\"iw\"> on April 4, 2015.</em></p>", "source": "", "description": "Why do we measure success of startups and small businesses through flashy web sites and pitch decks to venture capital secured? We\u2019ve all seen that headline, \u201cNew Company Raises $15 Million in Funding!\u201d But at Cure[ate], we\u2019re interested, and we think everyone should be interested, in the strategy and tactics that happen to grow and scale a business once the money is raised. That\u2019s what takes real grit and stamina. Where is the conversation and dialogue around those wins?, There is no one silver bullet solution to growing all businesses but we at Cure[ate] hope to shine light on best practices to help guide business owners in making thoughtful, targeted, strategic decisions to impact your business, particularly in the food &amp; beverage industry. We\u2019ve broken down the growth stages that we work with into three blog posts. Here is part 1 of our growth series., When building a business, one aspect that\u2019s as important as the product or service itself is the target audience. Who\u2019s going to use what you\u2019re selling? Why does it appeal to that group better than another? How are you going to target them specifically?, If you\u2019re worried or unable to answer some of these questions, then Cure[ate] has the perfect answer for you. Outlined below are our tactics for Growth Stage 1: Business Development on our growth chart., The Taste Kitchen The first step in building a community around your brand is to establish your target market. Bearing this in mind, we pioneered the Taste Kitchen in January of this year. Through our own take on marketing conglomerates\u2019 test kitchens, we present an opportunity for small business owners to share their product in a personalized setting with a hand-selected group of individuals. The Taste Kitchen allows for you to test a new product as well as develop your own skills in telling your story and selling your product in person. Following each Taste Kitchen, we provide in-depth analysis and feedback, along with a marketing plan for the next quarter. Want to get in on this? Get in touch with us, and we\u2019ll get the ball rolling to set up the coolest tasting event you\u2019ve ever done., Culture and Trend Research Culture (in its different shapes and forms) is everywhere around us. Some cultures are as old as humans themselves, while new cultures are born practically every day. It influences our thoughts, beliefs and actions in all aspects of life \u2014 and food is no different. When you begin to focus on your target audience, their culture becomes a vital aspect that will influence how you market your product to them. Through individualized culture research, we help you determine how your product appeals to your target market, and what you can do to improve it to better serve your community. Similarly, trends are constantly shifting and changing. If enough celebrities get photographed wearing a bright green sweater, you can bet that the brand they\u2019re wearing and the color green are going to be the latest fashion craze. Although the food and beverage market works a bit differently, trends still affect when people are more likely to buy one product over another. We are here to help you determine how your product will be affected by both global and local trends in order to help foster a community at the best time, in the best place. Through our focused and in-depth research we find a way for you to inspire the people you want to reach out to through your service or product., Once you have the culture and trends that surround your target market figured out, you need to start making connections with pre-existing networks and distribution channels that can aid in your growth., Pre-Established Network Connections Here at Cure[ate] we value connecting others, and since our services can be tailored to each individual business owner, we are also in the unique position to connect different products and service providers. When the big guy wants to build community at the local level, we orchestrate creating a partnership with a local small business so both sides can benefit. Such a connection works for both parties; the larger business is able to connect with the local community through a small business, while the small business is able to expand its network and/or production through the larger. Building community should not be limited to just connecting with customers, it should include forming a network with other businesses in a way that can benefit both of you., Distribution Channels and Local Procurement What happens when small business growth is rooted in citywide initiatives and private sector goals? How do we change the dialogue around sustainability or even job creation through food &amp; beverage small business? Creating partnerships and distribution opportunities in both public and private sector for local food &amp; beverage small business owners can shift that conversation., Cure[ate] works on the new Baltimore Food Hub initiative with American Communities Trust and the Baltimore Integration Partnership. We identify up-and-coming food &amp; beverage small businesses made in the Baltimore area, and help source key buyers from anchor institutions, hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets. Anchor institutions like Johns Hopkins, MICA, and Loyola have made commitments to purchasing local by working with their larger catering contracts with Sodexo, Bon Apetit, and CulinArt (to name a few). What would it look like if major food systems (like universities and hospitals) contributed a small percentage of their purchasing dollar back into their local economies? How can food &amp; beverage be that vehicle of change and job growth? Cure[ate] works with major players to identify and execute these partnerships by researching product procurement needs, executing face-to-face connections through initiatives like our upcoming Vendor Fair at Lexington Market, and working with small businesses on their growth plans., And with that, you\u2019ve completed the first stage in growing your business in a smart and meaningful way \u2014 the Cure[ate] way. Get in touch with us for more information on these and the next steps., Originally published at on April 4, 2015.", "tags": "", "images": [], "modified_at": "2018-04-03T05:07:13.673Z"}, {"url": "", "crawled_at": "05/07/2021, 22:04:42", "_id": "6e494f21-b6fa-5db5-b362-a9c569a7c826", "title": "Watch NASCAR Sprint All", "author": "Robert You", "published_at": "2015-05-14T07:32:07.415Z", "author_url": "", "reading_time": 1, "total_claps": "", "raw_description": "<p id=\"669a\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx dm fn\">Watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race Live</p>, <p id=\"8d80\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hh gi gj gk hi gl gm gn hj go gp gq hk gr gs gt hl gu gv gx dm fn\"><a href=\"\" class=\"dr hm\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\"></a></p>, <p id=\"ff6d\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hh gi gj gk hi gl gm gn hj go gp gq hk gr gs gt hl gu gv gx dm fn\">Watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race a great event of Sprint cup on 16 may 2015 and the day is Saturday it will hold in Charlotte Motor Speedway and the city in Concord, NC. Nascar Sprint cup Sprint Showdown is on of the Exciting Race and I am waiting to watch it. You can watch it online on your Digital devices at your home so don,t wait and watch it online just by clicking the below link</p>, <p id=\"b5c3\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hh gi gj gk hi gl gm gn hj go gp gq hk gr gs gt hl gu gv gx dm fn\"><a href=\"\" class=\"dr hm\" rel=\"noopener nofollow\"></a></p>, <p id=\"b20f\" class=\"gd ge gf gg b gh hh gi gj gk hi gl gm gn hj go gp gq hk gr gs gt hl gu gv gx dm fn\">NASCAR Sprint Al<span id=\"rmm\">l</span>-Star Race, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online tv, watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live,watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online tv, watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race stream, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live streaming, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online stream, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, online NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, live NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race</p>", "source": "", "description": "Watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race Live,, Watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race a great event of Sprint cup on 16 may 2015 and the day is Saturday it will hold in Charlotte Motor Speedway and the city in Concord, NC. Nascar Sprint cup Sprint Showdown is on of the Exciting Race and I am waiting to watch it. You can watch it online on your Digital devices at your home so don,t wait and watch it online just by clicking the below link,, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online tv, watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live,watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online tv, watch NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race stream, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race live streaming, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race online stream, NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, online NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, live NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race", "tags": "", "images": [], "modified_at": "2015-05-14T07:32:07.415Z"} ]