The Japan Times news dataset May 2022

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The Japan times news dataset

url headline shortDescription siteName author datePublished mainImage breadcrumbs newsDescription newsRawDescription credit keywords uniqId scrapedAt Komeito chief calls for Japan to create Asian security framework Natsuo Yamaguchi proposed that Japan take the lead in establishing an Asian architecture that would include China and the U.S. in a bid to stem soaring regional tensions. The Japan Times Jesse Johnson 2022-01-02T17:08:49+09:00 National,Politics The leader of Komeito, the junior party in the ruling bloc, on Sunday urged Japan to take the lead in creating a permanent regional framework that includes the United States, China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region to promote dialogue and avoid conflict amid soaring tensions between Washington and Beijing.~Natsuo Yamaguchi said in a speech in Tokyo that the increasingly severe security environment in Asia has prompted a need for a regional body resembling the Organisation for Security and Economic Co-operation, a framework that includes European nations, the U.S. and Russia. The OSCE is currently involved in talks on negotiating peace in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>The leader of Komeito, the junior party in the ruling bloc, on Sunday urged Japan to take the lead in creating a permanent regional framework that includes the United States, China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region to promote dialogue and avoid conflict amid soaring tensions between Washington and Beijing.</p><p>Natsuo Yamaguchi said in a speech in Tokyo that the increasingly severe security environment in Asia has prompted a need for a regional body resembling the Organisation for Security and Economic Co-operation, a framework that includes European nations, the U.S. and Russia. The OSCE is currently involved in talks on negotiating peace in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> STAFF WRITER China, U.S., Taiwan, U.S. military, LDP, China-Japan relations, PLA, Komeito, Natsuo Yamaguchi 09f7fcaa-dc24-55e1-b0b2-8fcfd111f7ae 31/05/2022 08:05:56 Moon Jae-in to focus on victims in 'comfort women' row with Japan South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed Friday to spotlight the plight of South Korea's last few surviving "comfort women," who suffered under Japan’s mil The Japan Times 2020-08-14T18:54:42+09:00 National CHEONAN, South Korea – South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed Friday to spotlight the plight of South Korea’s last few surviving “comfort women,” who suffered under Japan’s military brothel system before and during World War II, in efforts to resolve a dispute with its neighbor over the thorny issue.~The comments were recorded in a message to a 100-strong gathering of activists, government officials, and others in the city of Cheonan to commemorate those the South Koreans say are victims of Japanese wartime sexual violence.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p><span class="dateline">CHEONAN, South Korea – </span>South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed Friday to spotlight the plight of South Korea’s last few surviving “comfort women,” who suffered under Japan’s military brothel system before and during World War II, in efforts to resolve a dispute with its neighbor over the thorny issue.</p><p>The comments were recorded in a message to a 100-strong gathering of activists, government officials, and others in the city of Cheonan to commemorate those the South Koreans say are victims of Japanese wartime sexual violence.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> REUTERS WWII, South Korea, comfort women, South Korea-Japan relations, Moon Jae-in 36268dbd-ca53-5ead-8478-84b8b3c09f8b 31/05/2022 08:05:56 Abandoned boats pose tsunami hazard at Nagoya port Nagoya authorities are worried that the more than 100 abandoned boats in its port pose a potential hazard to navigation — as well as a danger to the The Japan Times No Author 2015-03-06T16:28:09+09:00 National Nagoya authorities are worried that the more than 100 abandoned boats in its port pose a potential hazard to navigation — as well as a danger to the general public — if a major tsunami were to strike.~By law, owners are responsible for disposing of their own boats, but in light of the approaching fourth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Nagoya Port Authority has decided “this is a problem that needs to be addressed now.”~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>Nagoya authorities are worried that the more than 100 abandoned boats in its port pose a potential hazard to navigation — as well as a danger to the general public — if a major tsunami were to strike.</p><p>By law, owners are responsible for disposing of their own boats, but in light of the approaching fourth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Nagoya Port Authority has decided “this is a problem that needs to be addressed now.”</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> CHUNICHI SHIMBUN tsunami, Nagoya, ships f72e2178-1264-532e-aed4-74fd65ff5aa4 31/05/2022 08:05:57 NSA surveillance powers lapse after no deal in Senate Three U.S. spy programs aimed at stopping terrorists expired early Monday amid a standoff among Senate Republicans over legislation to renew them. For the The Japan Times No Author 2015-06-01T13:26:48+09:00 Politics,World WASHINGTON – Three U.S. spy programs aimed at stopping terrorists expired early Monday amid a standoff among Senate Republicans over legislation to renew them.~For the first time since soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, intelligence and law enforcement agencies can’t initiate the use of these tools to monitor communications of suspected terrorists or seize records for counterterrorism investigations.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p><span class="dateline">WASHINGTON – </span>Three U.S. spy programs aimed at stopping terrorists expired early Monday amid a standoff among Senate Republicans over legislation to renew them.</p><p>For the first time since soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, intelligence and law enforcement agencies can’t initiate the use of these tools to monitor communications of suspected terrorists or seize records for counterterrorism investigations.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> BLOOMBERG Barack Obama, Congress, privacy, Rand Paul, surveillance, NSA, U.S. domestic spying, Edward Snowden afbdddc2-6de0-55a7-ac88-5ff738d0cf5c 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Mamma mia! Nintendo to open archive in Kyoto The facility "where Nintendo's historical products will be showcased, and exhibits and experiences will be available" is expected to be completed by March 2024. The Japan Times 2021-06-03T01:27:43+09:00 Corporate,Business After opening its first theme park area in March, Nintendo Co. is giving fans something else to get excited about: a planned Nintendo Gallery archive set to open by spring 2024.~The gaming giant announced Wednesday it plans to repurpose an old factory site in Kyoto Prefecture, where the firm is based, to exhibit its history and beloved gaming products.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>After <a href="">opening its first theme park area</a> in March, Nintendo Co. is giving fans something else to get excited about: a planned Nintendo Gallery archive set to open by spring 2024.</p><p>The gaming giant announced Wednesday it plans to repurpose an old factory site in Kyoto Prefecture, where the firm is based, to exhibit its history and beloved gaming products.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> AFP-JIJI Kyoto, Nintendo, museums, Super Mario, video games 0757a539-0759-50ed-ac31-7045eda06a27 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Russia officers aiding rebels, Ukraine says Ukraine accused Russian army officers on Monday of fighting alongside separatists in the east of the country and said Moscow was once more building up its The Japan Times No Author 2014-07-15T17:38:29+09:00 Politics,World KIEV – Ukraine accused Russian army officers on Monday of fighting alongside separatists in the east of the country and said Moscow was once more building up its troops on the joint border.~A missile that downed a Ukrainian transport plane carrying eight people near the border was probably fired from Russia, Ukrainian officials said.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p><span class="dateline">KIEV – </span>Ukraine accused Russian army officers on Monday of fighting alongside separatists in the east of the country and said Moscow was once more building up its troops on the joint border.</p><p>A missile that downed a Ukrainian transport plane carrying eight people near the border was probably fired from Russia, Ukrainian officials said.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> REUTERS conflict, Vladimir Putin, Russia, military, trade, EU, protests, Ukraine, ethnicity, Viktor Yanukovych, Petro Poroshenko eb5c0056-1061-539b-a830-0509cc98d58a 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Poaching of glass eels on the rise in Japan amid surging prices Japan is struggling to crack down on the poaching of glass eels, which has been on the rise due to surging prices reflecting unprecedentedly poor catches. The Japan Times No Author 2020-01-28T18:19:20+09:00 National KOCHI – Japan is struggling to crack down on the poaching of glass eels, which has been on the rise due to surging prices reflecting unprecedentedly poor catches.~In Kochi Prefecture, a major glass eel fishing area, police discovered a facility used by poachers and arrested 11 men late last year. An expert said the mass arrest was “just the tip of the iceberg” for the problem.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p><span class="dateline">KOCHI – </span>Japan is struggling to crack down on the poaching of glass eels, which has been on the rise due to surging prices reflecting unprecedentedly poor catches.</p><p>In Kochi Prefecture, a major glass eel fishing area, police discovered a facility used by poachers and arrested 11 men late last year. An expert said the mass arrest was “just the tip of the iceberg” for the problem.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> JIJI fishing, Kochi, poaching, eels, Aki, glass eels 8f19a156-3eb9-5a35-afc1-f38f06bcf99b 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Nation's regional banks facing choice of mergers or extinction Hiroshi Iwama and Mitsunori Watanabe used to joke about merging their banks in central Japan. When the Bank of Japan introduced negative interest rates las The Japan Times Gareth Allan 2017-07-12T16:49:39+09:00 Business Hiroshi Iwama and Mitsunori Watanabe used to joke about merging their banks in central Japan. When the Bank of Japan introduced negative interest rates last year, things got serious.~The two golfing buddies run Mie Bank Ltd. and Daisan Bank Ltd., two of Japan’s roughly 100 regional lenders. For years, these banks dotted around the nation have faced headwinds as rural areas emptied and aged. With the monetary-policy shift, their plight became acute.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>Hiroshi Iwama and Mitsunori Watanabe used to joke about merging their banks in central Japan. When the Bank of Japan introduced negative interest rates last year, things got serious.</p><p>The two golfing buddies run Mie Bank Ltd. and Daisan Bank Ltd., two of Japan’s roughly 100 regional lenders. For years, these banks dotted around the nation have faced headwinds as rural areas emptied and aged. With the monetary-policy shift, their plight became acute.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> BLOOMBERG banks, mergers, lending 0d16a71b-b618-5b94-b531-08a49499d5a7 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Japan still on fence about AIIB but envisages $1.5 billion contribution if it joins The government does not rule out the possibility of joining a China-led development bank to be launched by the year's end and also envisages a possible con The Japan Times No Author 2015-04-08T13:14:52+09:00 Business The government does not rule out the possibility of joining a China-led development bank to be launched by the year’s end and also envisages a possible contribution of up to $1.5 billion to the institution in the event of Japan’s participation, according to a draft paper on the institution.~Despite what would be the second-largest contribution after China’s, Japan is concerned that such a fiscal burden will not guarantee it influence in the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, given the opaqueness in its governance standards, says the draft government paper, a copy of which was obtained Tuesday.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>The government does not rule out the possibility of joining a China-led development bank to be launched by the year’s end and also envisages a possible contribution of up to $1.5 billion to the institution in the event of Japan’s participation, according to a draft paper on the institution.</p><p>Despite what would be the second-largest contribution after China’s, Japan is concerned that such a fiscal burden will not guarantee it influence in the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, given the opaqueness in its governance standards, says the draft government paper, a copy of which was obtained Tuesday.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> KYODO China, U.S., World Bank, ADB, development, AIIB a521ca86-6b97-5364-af8e-ccd11a279d71 31/05/2022 08:05:57 Imperial Couple release 'waka' poems to mark New Year's Day The Imperial Household Agency released on Thursday several 31-syllable "waka" poems written by the Imperial Couple in 2014 to celebrate New Year's Day. In The Japan Times No Author 2015-01-01T11:43:50+09:00 National The Imperial Household Agency released on Thursday several 31-syllable “waka” poems written by the Imperial Couple in 2014 to celebrate New Year’s Day.~In one of his three poems, Emperor Akihito expressed the feelings of gratitude he felt when he visited the Ise Grand Shrine in March toward people who were engaged in major repair work, carried out every 20 years.~This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.~Please add and to your list of allowed sites. ~If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out this support page. ~We humbly apologize for the inconvenience. <p>The Imperial Household Agency released on Thursday several 31-syllable “waka” poems written by the Imperial Couple in 2014 to celebrate New Year’s Day.</p><p>In one of his three poems, Emperor Akihito expressed the feelings of gratitude he felt when he visited the Ise Grand Shrine in March toward people who were engaged in major repair work, carried out every 20 years.</p><p>This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software.</p><p>Please add <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> to your list of allowed sites. </p><p>If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see out <a href="" target="_blank">this support page</a>. </p><p>We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.</p> KYODO New Year, royalty, poetry, Emperor Akihito, Imperial family, Empress Michiko, poems, waka, o-shogatsu 5d04d5f9-3fbd-5ed6-abff-d89bf43126a6 31/05/2022 08:05:57