Al Jazeera latest news dataset

News dataset from aljazeera

Al Jazeera is largest news network and crawl feeds extracted more 200K+ news articles from various categories. This news dataset is ideal for many reaserches, classification and NLP.

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[ {"url": "", "title": "Sri Lanka army \u2018takes key crossing\u2019", "epoch_time": 1607627652000.0, "website": "", "author": "na", "raw_content": "<div class=\"wysiwyg wysiwyg--all-content\"><p>The army said that since Tuesday at least 50 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) fighters had been killed \u2013 and twice as many wounded \u2013\u00a0in heaving fighting.</p>\n<p>Sri Lanka\u2019s defence ministry did not say if government forces suffered casualties, although the Associated Press news agency reported that Nanyakkara confirmed four soldiers had died in the fighting.</p>\n<p><strong>Separatist battle</strong></p>\n<p>The Sri Lankan government has pledged to\u00a0defeat Tamil fighters by the end of 2008 in an attempt to end the 25-year separatist campaign.</p>\n<p>However,\u00a0government officials made the same promise in 2007 but faced\u00a0stiff resistance from Tamil fighters.</p>\n<p>A\u00a0defence ministry statement issued Thursday described the fighting as\u00a0\u201cfierce and prolonged for hours until the terrorists were completely beaten by the determined soldiers\u201d.</p>\n<p>The Tigers made no comment on the military\u2019s statements, but said on Wednesday that civilians had been\u00a0killed in the fighting.</p>\n<p>It is difficult to verify battle accounts and\u00a0casualties as reporters are barred from the war zone.</p>\n<p>The rebel\u00a0Tigers have waged a long war for independence for Sri Lanka\u2019s minority Tamil community, who have suffered marginalisation by successive governments controlled by the Sinhalese majority.</p>\n<p>Around 70,000 people are thought to have been killed\u00a0since\u00a0separatist fighting began in 1972.</p>\n</div>", "content": "The army said that since Tuesday at least 50 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) fighters had been killed \u2013 and twice as many wounded \u2013\u00a0in heaving fighting.\nSri Lanka\u2019s defence ministry did not say if government forces suffered casualties, although the Associated Press news agency reported that Nanyakkara confirmed four soldiers had died in the fighting.\nSeparatist battle\nThe Sri Lankan government has pledged to\u00a0defeat Tamil fighters by the end of 2008 in an attempt to end the 25-year separatist campaign.\nHowever,\u00a0government officials made the same promise in 2007 but faced\u00a0stiff resistance from Tamil fighters.\nA\u00a0defence ministry statement issued Thursday described the fighting as\u00a0\u201cfierce and prolonged for hours until the terrorists were completely beaten by the determined soldiers\u201d.\nThe Tigers made no comment on the military\u2019s statements, but said on Wednesday that civilians had been\u00a0killed in the fighting.\nIt is difficult to verify battle accounts and\u00a0casualties as reporters are barred from the war zone.\nThe rebel\u00a0Tigers have waged a long war for independence for Sri Lanka\u2019s minority Tamil community, who have suffered marginalisation by successive governments controlled by the Sinhalese majority.\nAround 70,000 people are thought to have been killed\u00a0since\u00a0separatist fighting began in 1972.\n", "_id": "894a209d-c3ca-5572-9024-4a0badc7751d", "news_post_date": "1 Jan 2009", "category": "News", "sub_category": "na", "language": "en", "news_post_date_in_seconds": "na", "header_image": "", "images": [""], "news_sub_header": "Crucial crossroad wrested from Tamil Tiger control, says Sri Lankan military."}, {"url": "", "title": "Scores dead in Thai nightclub fire", "epoch_time": 1607627652000.0, "website": "", "author": "na", "raw_content": "<div class=\"wysiwyg wysiwyg--all-content\"><p>Dozens of bodies wrapped in white cotton sheets lay on the pavement outside as fire crews moved in to douse the embers of the club in an area popular with foreigners and wealthy Thais.</p>\n<p>Many of the bodies were said to have been burned beyond recognition.</p>\n<table style=\"FLOAT:right;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#dfd2ad\" border=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:10pt;font-family:inherit\"><strong>\u201cWe were all dancing and suddenly there was a big flame that came out of the front of the stage and everybody was running away\u201d</strong></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:8pt;font-family:inherit\">Oh Benjamas,<br>survivor</span></p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>Several foreigners are thought to be among the dead, although their nationalities have not been released.</p>\n<p>The arrival of rescue workers at the scene was reportedly delayed by Bangkok\u2019s heavy new year traffic.</p>\n<p>The website of <em>The Nation</em> newspaper quoted one party-goer, Somchai Frendi, as saying the blaze was caused by \u201cspecial effects\u201d fireworks to usher in the New Year.</p>\n<p>The fireworks ignited the second floor ceiling, which was made largely of inflammable, sound-proofing material, he said.</p>\n<p><strong>Stampede</strong></p>\n<table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-644217\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/20091143354877360_3.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>The fire quickly swept through the packed club, trapping revellers inside the burning building</strong></span><strong></strong></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>The report also quoted a club worker as saying that explosions were heard shortly after the New Year countdown ended and someone shouted, \u201cFire!\u201d</p>\n<p>It is not clear whether the club\u2019s owners had adhered to city safety regulations, which are rarely monitored and\u00a0loosely enforced.</p>\n<p>Emergency workers\u00a0said the deaths were caused by\u00a0burns, smoke inhalation and injuries during\u00a0a stampede to escape from the club, which had only one main door for entry and exit.</p>\n<p>\u201cWe were all dancing and suddenly there was a big flame that came out of the front of the stage and everybody was running away,\u201d survivor Oh Benjamas told Reuters news agency.</p>\n<p>\u201cIt was chaotic, too many people were stuck behind the door.\u00a0Some of them tried to break through the glass window. I think a lot of those who died are people on the second floor who got stuck behind the crowd inside.\u201d</p>\n<p>Watcharapong Sri-saard,\u00a0a firefighter at the scene, told the Associated Press that\u00a0another door at the rear of the building was known only to the staff.</p>\n<p>He said\u00a0a number of staircases inside the club as well as bars across the second-floor windows made escape difficult.</p>\n</div>", "content": "Dozens of bodies wrapped in white cotton sheets lay on the pavement outside as fire crews moved in to douse the embers of the club in an area popular with foreigners and wealthy Thais.\nMany of the bodies were said to have been burned beyond recognition.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe were all dancing and suddenly there was a big flame that came out of the front of the stage and everybody was running away\u201d\nOh Benjamas,survivor\n\n\n\n\nSeveral foreigners are thought to be among the dead, although their nationalities have not been released.\nThe arrival of rescue workers at the scene was reportedly delayed by Bangkok\u2019s heavy new year traffic.\nThe website of The Nation newspaper quoted one party-goer, Somchai Frendi, as saying the blaze was caused by \u201cspecial effects\u201d fireworks to usher in the New Year.\nThe fireworks ignited the second floor ceiling, which was made largely of inflammable, sound-proofing material, he said.\nStampede\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe fire quickly swept through the packed club, trapping revellers inside the burning building\n\n\n\nThe report also quoted a club worker as saying that explosions were heard shortly after the New Year countdown ended and someone shouted, \u201cFire!\u201d\nIt is not clear whether the club\u2019s owners had adhered to city safety regulations, which are rarely monitored and\u00a0loosely enforced.\nEmergency workers\u00a0said the deaths were caused by\u00a0burns, smoke inhalation and injuries during\u00a0a stampede to escape from the club, which had only one main door for entry and exit.\n\u201cWe were all dancing and suddenly there was a big flame that came out of the front of the stage and everybody was running away,\u201d survivor Oh Benjamas told Reuters news agency.\n\u201cIt was chaotic, too many people were stuck behind the door.\u00a0Some of them tried to break through the glass window. I think a lot of those who died are people on the second floor who got stuck behind the crowd inside.\u201d\nWatcharapong Sri-saard,\u00a0a firefighter at the scene, told the Associated Press that\u00a0another door at the rear of the building was known only to the staff.\nHe said\u00a0a number of staircases inside the club as well as bars across the second-floor windows made escape difficult.\n", "_id": "8e3f8325-e886-5506-b606-25268d52e725", "news_post_date": "1 Jan 2009", "category": "News", "sub_category": "na", "language": "en", "news_post_date_in_seconds": "na", "header_image": "", "images": [""], "news_sub_header": "New Year revellers trapped as deadly blaze sweeps through Bangkok party spot."}, {"url": "", "title": "Deaths in Pakistan drone attack", "epoch_time": 1607627652000.0, "website": "", "author": "na", "raw_content": "<div class=\"wysiwyg wysiwyg--all-content\"><p>\u201cWe rushed out of our homes,\u201d Zar Wali, a local resident, told the\u00a0AFP news agency, saying\u00a0the powerful explosions caused panic.</p>\n<p>US forces based\u00a0in Afghanistan have\u00a0carried out about 30 missile strikes in Pakistan in 2008, according to a Reuters tally, more than half since the beginning of September.</p>\n<p><strong>Continued battles</strong></p>\n<p>A tally of of reports from Pakistani intelligence agents, district government officials and residents claim\u00a0the\u00a0raids have killed more than 220 people, including foreign fighters.</p>\n<p>In recent months, Pakistani forces and\u00a0pro-Taliban fighters\u00a0have been fighting in the Bajaur region on the Afghan border, northeast of South Waziristan,\u00a0as well as in\u00a0the Swat Valley.</p>\n<p>The government in Islamabad says the US raids violate its sovereignty and undermine its military\u00a0efforts\u00a0by inflaming public anger.\u00a0</p>\n</div>", "content": "\u201cWe rushed out of our homes,\u201d Zar Wali, a local resident, told the\u00a0AFP news agency, saying\u00a0the powerful explosions caused panic.\nUS forces based\u00a0in Afghanistan have\u00a0carried out about 30 missile strikes in Pakistan in 2008, according to a Reuters tally, more than half since the beginning of September.\nContinued battles\nA tally of of reports from Pakistani intelligence agents, district government officials and residents claim\u00a0the\u00a0raids have killed more than 220 people, including foreign fighters.\nIn recent months, Pakistani forces and\u00a0pro-Taliban fighters\u00a0have been fighting in the Bajaur region on the Afghan border, northeast of South Waziristan,\u00a0as well as in\u00a0the Swat Valley.\nThe government in Islamabad says the US raids violate its sovereignty and undermine its military\u00a0efforts\u00a0by inflaming public anger.\u00a0\n", "_id": "2a974596-7f20-5d13-8957-1b33430f50dc", "news_post_date": "1 Jan 2009", "category": "News", "sub_category": "na", "language": "en", "news_post_date_in_seconds": "na", "header_image": "", "images": [""], "news_sub_header": "Five killed as missile hits vehicle in South Waziristan."}, {"url": "", "title": "North Korea urges unity behind Kim", "epoch_time": 1607627652000.0, "website": "", "author": "na", "raw_content": "<div class=\"wysiwyg wysiwyg--all-content\"><p>In repeating its pledge to rid the peninsula of nuclear weapons the North hinted at further disarmament talks if it has improved ties with the new US administration.</p>\n<p>\u201cNorth Korea didn\u2019t issue insults for the US in this year\u2019s editorial,\u201d said Paik Hak-soon, an analyst at the security think-tank Sejong Institute in South Korea.</p>\n<p>\u201cThat showed North Korea\u2019s expectation for the Obama government.\u201d</p>\n<p>Later on Thursday Kim Ho-nyeon, a spokesman at the South Korean Unification Ministry, said the US was also not criticised in the New Year\u2019s messages of 1993 and 2001, shortly before Bill Clinton and George Bush were inaugurated respectively.</p>\n<p>In other New Year\u2019s messages however the North accused the US of plotting a war against it and demanded that Washington withdraw its 28,000 troops from South Korea.</p>\n<p><strong>Nuclear stalemate</strong></p>\n<p>Last week six-nation nuclear talks ended in a stalemate following North Korea\u2019s refusal to put into writing commitments on inspecting its past nuclear activities.</p>\n<table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-644218\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/2008121271854341734_3.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\">\n<p><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>Pyongyang released undated pictures of Kim to refute reports he was seriously ill </strong></span><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>[AFP]</strong></span><strong></strong></p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>The US called for a halt in heavy fuel oil aid to punish North Korea for its stance which blocked progress on an aid-for-disarmament agreement reached last year.</p>\n<p>North Korea has often pledged to get rid of its nuclear programme but has dragged its heels in disarmament talks for about 15 years despite being offered political concessions and economic aid.</p>\n<p>In the New Year message the North accused\u00a0South Korea of an \u201canachronistic confrontation policy\u201d and stressed the need to strengthen the country\u2019s 1.2 million-member military.</p>\n<p>Ties worsened last month as North Korea restricted traffic at the border, expelled some South Koreans from a joint industrial zone and suspended a tour programme to the ancient North Korean city of Kaesong.</p>\n<p>There was also no comment on Kim\u2019s suspected stroke in August or a hint of a succession plan in Asia\u2019s only communist dynasty.</p>\n<p>Kim has been the focus of intense speculation since he reportedly suffered a stroke and underwent brain surgery in August.</p>\n<p>Pyongyang denies that its 66-year-old leader was ever ill, churning out a slew of reports and photos depicting him as healthy and active.</p>\n</div>", "content": "In repeating its pledge to rid the peninsula of nuclear weapons the North hinted at further disarmament talks if it has improved ties with the new US administration.\n\u201cNorth Korea didn\u2019t issue insults for the US in this year\u2019s editorial,\u201d said Paik Hak-soon, an analyst at the security think-tank Sejong Institute in South Korea.\n\u201cThat showed North Korea\u2019s expectation for the Obama government.\u201d\nLater on Thursday Kim Ho-nyeon, a spokesman at the South Korean Unification Ministry, said the US was also not criticised in the New Year\u2019s messages of 1993 and 2001, shortly before Bill Clinton and George Bush were inaugurated respectively.\nIn other New Year\u2019s messages however the North accused the US of plotting a war against it and demanded that Washington withdraw its 28,000 troops from South Korea.\nNuclear stalemate\nLast week six-nation nuclear talks ended in a stalemate following North Korea\u2019s refusal to put into writing commitments on inspecting its past nuclear activities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPyongyang released undated pictures of Kim to refute reports he was seriously ill [AFP]\n\n\n\n\nThe US called for a halt in heavy fuel oil aid to punish North Korea for its stance which blocked progress on an aid-for-disarmament agreement reached last year.\nNorth Korea has often pledged to get rid of its nuclear programme but has dragged its heels in disarmament talks for about 15 years despite being offered political concessions and economic aid.\nIn the New Year message the North accused\u00a0South Korea of an \u201canachronistic confrontation policy\u201d and stressed the need to strengthen the country\u2019s 1.2 million-member military.\nTies worsened last month as North Korea restricted traffic at the border, expelled some South Koreans from a joint industrial zone and suspended a tour programme to the ancient North Korean city of Kaesong.\nThere was also no comment on Kim\u2019s suspected stroke in August or a hint of a succession plan in Asia\u2019s only communist dynasty.\nKim has been the focus of intense speculation since he reportedly suffered a stroke and underwent brain surgery in August.\nPyongyang denies that its 66-year-old leader was ever ill, churning out a slew of reports and photos depicting him as healthy and active.\n", "_id": "1fb06397-d6cf-5086-b09b-46c682f6a5f9", "news_post_date": "1 Jan 2009", "category": "News", "sub_category": "na", "language": "en", "news_post_date_in_seconds": "na", "header_image": "", "images": [""], "news_sub_header": "New Year message hints at improving ties with new US administration."}, {"url": "", "title": "World celebrations welcome 2009", "epoch_time": 1607627652000.0, "website": "", "author": "na", "raw_content": "<div class=\"wysiwyg wysiwyg--all-content\"><table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-675553\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/2009112595081360_8.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>Many braved freezing weather in Europe and North America to celebrate the New Year [Reuters]</strong></span></span></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>Millions of people around the world have welcomed in 2009 with celebrations, calls for peace and hopes for an early end to the financial troubles that marked much of 2008.</p>\n<p>Sydney was the first major city to see in the New Year, although New Zealand also staged a dramatic fireworks display from Auckland\u2019s Sky Tower two hours earlier</p>\n<table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-675563\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/20091143942164580_3.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>Over 500,000 people gathered in Paris to mark the New Year [AFP]</strong></span></span><strong></strong></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>A record 1.5 million Australians and tourists converged on the Sydney harbour site close to the famous Opera House for what organisers said was the city\u2019s biggest-ever fireworks display.</p>\n<p>From Australia the celebrations moved on to Asia, Hong Kong\u2019s iconic skyline and harbour provided a spectacular stage for New Year fireworks.</p>\n<p>However, celebrations in Thailand were overshadowed by the deaths of at least 59 people in a fire at a Bangkok nightclub.</p>\n<p>Police said fireworks let off in the club at midnight were thought to have triggered the blaze.</p>\n<p>In Dubai, lavish New Year celebrations were cancelled in a mark of solidarity with the people of Gaza after six days of deadly bombardment by Israeli forces.</p>\n<p><strong>\u2018Careful\u2019 celebrations</strong></p>\n<table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-675554\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/2009114174992734_3.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>Cities around the world vied with each other to put on the most spectacular show\u00a0[AFP]</strong></span></span></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>In New York City huge crowds joined celebrations in Times Square to watch a giant cystal ball drop on the stroke of midnight.</p>\n<p>Bill Clinton, the former US president, and his wife Hillary, were among the tens of thousands packed into the square.</p>\n<p>Elsewhere after the most volatile financial year in decades, partygoers paused for a deep breath and a sip of something perhaps cheaper than champagne.</p>\n<p>\u201cWe\u2019re not going to celebrate in a big way. We\u2019re being careful,\u201d Moussa Siham, an architect living in Paris, told the Associated Press.</p>\n<p>In the French capital, over half a million people had already thronged on the Champs-Elysees an hour before the bells welcomed in the new year.</p>\n<p>In London revellers also braved freezing conditions to see the fireworks spectacle on the banks of the River Thames, which engulfed the London Eye in a blaze of colour.</p>\n<p><strong>\u2018Solidarity\u2019</strong></p>\n<table style=\"width:33px;border-collapse:collapse\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td><img class=\"aligncenter size-fantasia-770 wp-image-675552\" src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/20091131158954734_3.jpeg\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><span style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:inherit\"><strong>More than 2 million people welcomed the new year\u00a0on Rio\u2019s Copacabana beach [Reuters]</strong></span></span><strong></strong></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>An estimated 400,000 people were expected to have lined the embankments to catch the 10-minute display, which lit up the misty night sky over the British capital.</p>\n<p>In the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI called for \u201csoberness and solidarity\u201d in 2009 at a special mass marking the end of the year.<br>\u00a0<br>He said the world faced times \u201cmarked by uncertainty and worry for the future\u201d, but urged people not be afraid and to help each other.</p>\n<p>Celebrations across the world however, reflected an atmosphere where people were trying to forget their troubles for at least one night.</p>\n<p>In Rio de Janeiro, more than two million people packed onto the city\u2019s famous Copacabana beach to watch a huge fireworks show.</p>\n<p>Roberto Felipe, a construction worker in Brazil, told the Associated Press he hoped 2009 would mark \u201cthe end of war and crisis\u201d.</p>\n<p>\u201cI hope that 2009, which is bringing President Obama to the scene, will help us all have a better life.\u201d</p>\n</div>", "content": "\n\n\n\n\n\nMany braved freezing weather in Europe and North America to celebrate the New Year [Reuters]\n\n\n\nMillions of people around the world have welcomed in 2009 with celebrations, calls for peace and hopes for an early end to the financial troubles that marked much of 2008.\nSydney was the first major city to see in the New Year, although New Zealand also staged a dramatic fireworks display from Auckland\u2019s Sky Tower two hours earlier\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOver 500,000 people gathered in Paris to mark the New Year [AFP]\n\n\n\nA record 1.5 million Australians and tourists converged on the Sydney harbour site close to the famous Opera House for what organisers said was the city\u2019s biggest-ever fireworks display.\nFrom Australia the celebrations moved on to Asia, Hong Kong\u2019s iconic skyline and harbour provided a spectacular stage for New Year fireworks.\nHowever, celebrations in Thailand were overshadowed by the deaths of at least 59 people in a fire at a Bangkok nightclub.\nPolice said fireworks let off in the club at midnight were thought to have triggered the blaze.\nIn Dubai, lavish New Year celebrations were cancelled in a mark of solidarity with the people of Gaza after six days of deadly bombardment by Israeli forces.\n\u2018Careful\u2019 celebrations\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCities around the world vied with each other to put on the most spectacular show\u00a0[AFP]\n\n\n\nIn New York City huge crowds joined celebrations in Times Square to watch a giant cystal ball drop on the stroke of midnight.\nBill Clinton, the former US president, and his wife Hillary, were among the tens of thousands packed into the square.\nElsewhere after the most volatile financial year in decades, partygoers paused for a deep breath and a sip of something perhaps cheaper than champagne.\n\u201cWe\u2019re not going to celebrate in a big way. We\u2019re being careful,\u201d Moussa Siham, an architect living in Paris, told the Associated Press.\nIn the French capital, over half a million people had already thronged on the Champs-Elysees an hour before the bells welcomed in the new year.\nIn London revellers also braved freezing conditions to see the fireworks spectacle on the banks of the River Thames, which engulfed the London Eye in a blaze of colour.\n\u2018Solidarity\u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore than 2 million people welcomed the new year\u00a0on Rio\u2019s Copacabana beach [Reuters]\n\n\n\nAn estimated 400,000 people were expected to have lined the embankments to catch the 10-minute display, which lit up the misty night sky over the British capital.\nIn the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI called for \u201csoberness and solidarity\u201d in 2009 at a special mass marking the end of the year.\u00a0He said the world faced times \u201cmarked by uncertainty and worry for the future\u201d, but urged people not be afraid and to help each other.\nCelebrations across the world however, reflected an atmosphere where people were trying to forget their troubles for at least one night.\nIn Rio de Janeiro, more than two million people packed onto the city\u2019s famous Copacabana beach to watch a huge fireworks show.\nRoberto Felipe, a construction worker in Brazil, told the Associated Press he hoped 2009 would mark \u201cthe end of war and crisis\u201d.\n\u201cI hope that 2009, which is bringing President Obama to the scene, will help us all have a better life.\u201d\n", "_id": "c28eb66f-1c72-5fb4-b122-ceb8a177ba28", "news_post_date": "1 Jan 2009", "category": "News", "sub_category": "na", "language": "en", "news_post_date_in_seconds": "na", "header_image": "", "images": [""], "news_sub_header": "New Year marked with fireworks, calls for peace and hopes for early end to financial woes."} ]